I Dennis McLean prayed to the Lord my God and confessed and said:
O Lord, the great and awesome God, who keeps Your promises and mercy for those who love You and keep Your commandments, we have sinned, acted wickedly, and rebelled to turn away from Your commandments. On top of that, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets and apostles, who spoke in Your name, to all men everywhere in your Word, the scriptures. Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us belongs open shame, every one of us because of our unfaithful deeds which we have committed against You. Open shame belongs to everyone of us because we have sinned against You, But to You, our Lord and God, belong compassion and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against You; nor have we obeyed Your voice, the voice of our Lord and God, to walk in Your teachings which you have set before us through your apostles and prophets. Indeed we all have transgressed Your Holy Word not obeying Your voice to bring upon ourselves a curse. As it is written in Your Revelation, calamity will come upon us, destruction in many different kinds, because we have not sought Your favor, O God, by turning from our sin to give attention to Your Truth, Your commands. Therefore, You have kept calamity in store for us because You are Righteous with respect to all Your deeds which You have done and will do, but we have not obeyed Your voice.
O God! O Lord Jesus! We, Your church, Your betrothed, Your very bride, are faithless. Worse, we don’t even know what that means. Not only that, we lack belief, and we don’t even know what that means. Furthermore, we have not love, and we don’t even know what that even means. We each devise what we choose and then call it the commands of Christ or the grace of Christ. We determine what we will and call it theology. We separate, we make distinctions, we make self willed determinations on what truth is and then call the separations, denominations, churches! Thus we behave as if You are the faithless husband with many wives and concubines with dissention in the harem. You are not faithless, O Lord, O God! We are! We are the transgressors of Your law. We are in rebellion against your commands. We have by our faithless acts, by our lack of belief, by our SELF LOVE, brought open ridicule to your Holy Name amongst the nations. We love self love! We hate authority! In rebellion against Your authority, we reject all authority, from parents to husbands, to employers to governments to Christ to GOD! We deny Your commands at every opportunity. O Lord Jesus, God, we are guilty of twisting Your transcendent, eternal Truth to compromise with mundane earthly comfort so that we are indistinguishable from the sons of darkness and hell. While we should reside as aliens and strangers passing through on our Father’s business, we instead make ourselves comfortable and excuse our comfort as the will of God. Rather than stand out, we blend in with the sons of destruction except to take every opportunity to bring You open shame by the name “christians†as so called “little Christ’s†because we know nothing of Christ and know nothing of the will of God.
O Lord forgive. O Lord have mercy, have compassion. Make us faithful again. For your sake, O God, let your face shine on us again. O my God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see the desolation we have heaped on ourselves, Your Church, Your bride. We are not presenting our supplications before You on account of any merit of our own, but on account of Your great compassion. O Lord, hear! O Lord, Forgive! Take action on our behalf for Your sake, O my God, because we are Your people and are called by Your great name!
1 Peter 4:17-19
For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? AND IF IT IS WITH DIFFICULTY THAT THE RIGHTEOUS IS SAVED, WHAT WILL BECOME OF THE GODLESS MAN AND THE SINNER? Therefore, those also who suffer according to the will of God shall entrust their souls to a faithful Creator in doing what is right.
Adaptations from Daniel 9 and from my heartfelt prayer