Since Anne is the best blogger on day to day happenings, I’ll let her tell in her words from her blog pages what transpired on our “Western” tour. Dennis.
After an exciting 11 days, we’re finally back home from our West Coast tour. “Tour” sounds more important than “trip”! But that’s what bands do when they travel, right?
Anyways! I’ve got a whole lot of pictures here (we all know everyone loves pictures, right? And if a picture is worth a thousand words…this will definitely turn out to be a novel!). Hover over the pictures for a caption and a larger image.
Click on the date to go to read about what happened that day and see pictures. They will open in new windows.
Thursday/Friday, June 19, 20
Saturday, June 21
Sunday, June 22
Monday, June 23
Tuesday, June 24
Wednesday, June 25
Thursday, June 26
Friday, June 27
Saturday, June 28
Sunday, June 29
Monday, June 30
A big thank-you to Grandpa, Grandma Kathy, John, and Paul who opened their home to us; Immanuel Lutheran Church, the West Moreland Manor, and Lacomb Bible Church for inviting us, and all the wonderful people there…and the biggest thank you to the Lord Jesus Christ who made the whole trip possible and provided for us bountifully through His followers! Glory to God! Amen.
Anne McLean