Electric Church is available to play in any venue, at any time, if the Lord is willing. We believe the Gospel of God in Jesus Christ is free to all who has ears to hear.
We do not have a monetary expectation to appear for a live performance. We trust that, if we are pleasing to Jesus Christ in His service, He will take care of our needs and expenses.
1. The Gospel of God in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
2. Obedience to the Gospel of God in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
3. Separated Living in the Gospel of God in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
All of this is conveyed with beautiful harmony.
The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. We are not our own, we were bought with a price, ACT YOUR OWNERSHIP!
Electric Church has its own PA system with all of the accessories needed for a successful performance. A successful performance is measured by the clear preaching of the Word of God. God is the one who calls men, we obey our calling.
The style of music we play can only be described as ranging between classical and classic rock. We can change the style of music we play to the preferences of the group we visit. We have played in venues (retirement communities and nursing homes) where the youngest in the crowd were in their 50’s as well as the community stage at the Montana Fair (pictures on the website) where we were considerably more “up tempo”. The size of the building does not matter. Much of our lyrics are direct quotations from the bible and most of our music was written by us. Our set, which includes a Power Point slideshow, begins with some upbeat tunes, contains thoughtful, catchy songs, and finishes dramatically. The style of lyrics we sing can only be described as prophetic preaching. (To be a prophet is to speak the Words of God). Gods Word is revealed to us in the Bible; all we need to do is be faithful to His Word.
We enjoy the opportunity to fellowship with folks and appreciate pot lucks or some kind of dessert reception after the concert.